Dr. Mohammed H. Hassan, DMD Dentist Dothan Alabama

Common Oral Health Myths Debunked By Our Family Dentistry Office

As a family dentistry office, we are regularly asked questions about oral health, some of which are popular myths. It is normal for myths to circulate about dental care and about teeth, in general, but it is important to know the difference between fact and fiction. For example, since milk contains high levels of calcium, many people think that it is safe for teeth. The problem is that milk also contains a great deal of sugar. Babies and toddlers who take a bottle of milk to bed on a regular basis have an increased risk of getting cavities. To avoid making these types of common mistakes, ask us questions so we can set you on the path for lifelong oral health. In the meantime, here are a few common myths we hear on a regular basis and the truths behind them.

Myth #1: Flossing is optional.

The Truth – In our family dentistry office, we recommend that you floss on a daily basis. If you do not like to floss, buy a flossing tool and use that instead. Doing so is important because it is your best line of defense against gum disease.

Myth #2: Brushing your teeth with a hard toothbrush is the best way to clean them.

The Truth – The toothbrush you use is important, and we recommend that you use a soft or electric one. Brush in a circular pattern, starting at your gums and working your way towards the center of your mouth. Using a soft toothbrush is important because a hard one can lead to enamel erosion. Since you only have a limited amount of enamel, once you lose it, you cannot grow it back. This makes protecting it very important. In our family dentistry office, we can keep your teeth clean and even give you a fluoride treatment to further strengthen your teeth.

Myth #3: Baby teeth are not important.

The Truth – As a family dentistry office, we understand how truly important baby teeth are. They make it possible for your child to speak clearly, eat normally, and smile with confidence. They also hold space for adult teeth to grow in. If they fall out too early, the remaining teeth can move and encroach upon the space that the new tooth needs to grow in straight. This may create the need for braces down the road. Also, consider that if your child develops a cavity or infection, it will hurt just like it would if an adult tooth developed a cavity. Taking care of their teeth by brushing, flossing, eating a healthy diet, and having them cleaned twice a year will help your child maintain healthy baby teeth that do not fall out until they are supposed to.

Myth #4: Whitening teeth with a lemon is safe.

The Truth – In our dental office, we warn patients about whitening their teeth with home remedies because they can harm the teeth. Lemons are no exception, because they are acidic, and acid can erode your teeth. Instead, visit our office for a teeth whitening procedure that is both safe and effective.

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