How We Keep Children Comfortable in Our Kids Dentistry Office

Posted on: September 21, 2014

Kids DentistryWhen you visit our kids’ dentistry office, our staff will greet you and your children with a warm and friendly smile.  We know that it can be intimidating for kids to visit the dentist, especially on their first appointment.  This is why we spend the time to get to know them so that they can feel comfortable and relaxed during their appointment.We also recommend that you take these steps before having their teeth cleaned or examined for the first time:
  • Read a book.  There are plenty of books at the library about children visiting the dentist.  Take them to the library, check out a few and read them at home.  By listening to stories about other children or cartoon characters, they will see how normal it is to have their teeth cleaned and start to view it as a positive experience.
  • Play a game.  Pull out a few stuffed animals and practice giving them dental exams.  You can brush their teeth; use a flashlight to look inside of their mouth and anything else you can come up with.  Next, give your child a pretend exam and let them do the same to you.  When it is time for their appointment, your child can bring their favorite stuffed animal to our kids’ dentistry office so it will be a fun and playful experience.  Since children learn through play, this is a good way to let them get out their fears and show you what part they are excited about.
  • Come visit us.  Before their dental exam, stop by and visit our office. Your kids can walk around and meet our staff along with seeing where we are located and what the waiting area looks like.  This simple step will make the office environment feel familiar when it is time to actually have their teeth cleaned.
  • Go slowly.  When we are cleaning a child’s teeth, our staff goes slowly.  We don’t rush your child and will work at a pace that they are comfortable with.  Sometimes, they won’t let us complete the procedure, and that’s okay.  We will do as much as they will allow and can schedule a second appointment if needed.  It is better to go slowly than to rush and create an unpleasant experience that your child will remember.
In our kids’ dentistry office, we put our patients first and will make sure that your children enjoy their dental visits.  Our goal is to keep you and your children in excellent oral health and the only way to do this is to establish a relationship of trust with your kids.  When they trust us to take care of their teeth in a way that doesn’t hurt, they will be more likely to allow us to do so.To learn more about how we practice gentle children’s dentistry, give us a call and schedule an appointment.  Otherwise, stop by our office and meet our staff.  We welcome new patients and would be happy to work with you.

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